Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Greetings, All

And hello from Northwest Arkansas, where I've been reresiding over the last 24 hours. Just a note to say that all of my flights did in fact arrive, even the ones I wasn't on, seemingly, as well as the ones I was on but wasn't supposed to be... more on that later, and pictures to follow...

O ya, Tim, Allen, Adam, anyone else in resident in Springdale who didn't know I was back already- sorry for the smoke and mirrors-- just a matter of wanting to sneak home under the radar and sleep a few days. No harm intended. And, it saves the hassle of explaining why I am a day late and not on the flight I'd booked if no one knows when the original flight is supposed to be...

cheers for now...


Allen said...

welcome back

aaron said...

Glad to see you back Jeff

Tara said...

Welcome back, Jeff!