Sunday, November 04, 2012

Remember me?

Ostensibly, I started a blog to record the more profound of my inner musings, those most worth sharing. That was 7 years ago this month, I believe, or very nearly so.  I could look at back posts to ascertain for certain, but not without saving this incredibly deep delving entry where it stands, backing out, and starting over.  Tedium.

Any rate, if you muse through all I've had to say here-- and nothing in over 2 years at that-- you'll see that my high calling has plummeted and that what I have here is a vehicle via which I may moan over all that is not right with the world.  I suppose the rest of you have friends or facebook or both to commit this necessary outpouring to.  As I hate facebook and am trying to retain the few friends I've whittled myself down to, I do my complaining to the wider, emotionally uninvolved world.

So, for today's lighthearted pedantry:

I'm on gmail.  If you're not, or are simply using a different version than I, you may not know that gmail has a feature whereby it google does a random word search through my email text, and provides an information bar above your listed mail informing you of websites or recipes that you might also be interested in, due to its prowess with content association.  Today's bit of random brilliance read:

Recycling.  Film canisters can be used to hold nails, thumb tacks, and other small bric-a-brac.

Film canisters?

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