Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Eternal Geek

Well, I'd promised something special for Easter, but every time I got started, I felt too heretical, and backed down. Once my thoughts are collected better, I'll put them down as a chapter within a book, or as a book itself, entitled 'Growing Up Baptist'. Keep your eyes open to the NY Times Bestseller list for that one...

Just a quick blurb because it's been over a week...

If I ever realise, as I'm waking up, that I'm dreaming, I do my best to direct all of my foggy mental capacities at storing the dream to write it down once I'm functional enough for that occupation. Today would've been a good day, but just as I realised what tricks my mind was playing, the phone rang, and I was snatched out of a thrilling bit of brain play, and it's a shame, because I was really interested in the final outcome of this morning's dream.

I was doing a crossword...
And it was really tough. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. But I'm certain that if I'd had another 10 minutes of semi-consciousness, I could've at least gotten the stumping clues written down...

Total geek...

1 comment:

cbd said...

If only i didnt realize what you were talking about.