Wednesday, June 09, 2010

2 Years On


Been awhile, ain't it? In the blip between this post and the one below it, my wife and I have gotten pregnant twice, and now have 2 healthy, amply-lunged children. Perhaps you can ascertain why I've been a bit retiscent.

But professionals don't apologize, so, preparatorially aspirational, I'll not either.

Instead, merely as a matter of getting the old literary cogs oiled again, I'll tell you about my favourite bandana. If I had the time and skill, I'd scan it in as a photo and utilise it for the wallpaper of this particular bit of text. I have neither, but, again, not apologizing. We all have to learn to cope sometimes, and sometimes coping means lowering expectations. Remind me sometime to tell you the joys and benefits of lowered expectations.

My favourite bandana is red (tho, of course, it so easily could've been blue) and paisley-patterned. It looks like most of the other ones I've got crammed in the bandana basket, until you unfold it and see the oilstains obtained while doing emergency maintenance on my 78 Volkswagen Rabbit.

You'd have to check with my navigating Hobbit as to when this was; it could've been during KFH in June '06, which seems most likely, but,being June, was a bit early on in the year. I say this because I know the next time I saw the rag was when, at the late-August demolition derby of whatever year is in question, the Hobbit and I were sharing a barbecued turkey leg (to be followed by a funnel cake, obviously), and his reply to the query ,"Where'd you get the bandana you've wrapped this here turkey leg in?" was "Out of the rabbit's trunk, in that upside-down frisbee." If it had been washed, I certainly hadn't done it.

It has, of course, been washed now, frequently even, but the turkey fat and valvoline synthetic still shine dully proud.

Any rate, Ill be in touch.